Monday 26 September 2016

What is a proper runner?

What IS a proper runner?

This is the question I have been asking myself today. After my 5 miler on Friday, and this morning I got another 4 under my belt before work, I had said that I feel like a proper runner now. I am running 3 days a week, I am increasing my distances gradually. I subscribe to womens running. I have technical running clothing and shoes. I have post run recovery protein, and I have electrolyte tablets to put in my water for longer runs (Friday was the first time I used them, and I think they definitely helped – I think I will use them on my Friday runs from now on, when I am focusing on increasing distance and endurance). I have signed up to a half marathon, so I have a decent goal to aim for. I feel like a proper runner.

But, another lady I know who started running earlier this year (who was the inspiration for me getting back out there in fact) said she has only just started to class herself as a proper runner since yesterday, when she completed her second half marathon. Hmmm.  Interesting. So, what IS a proper runner then? I don’t go to a running club, because I like to run on my own. I enjoy the solitude and that time alone, where I don’t have to think about anyone else for a bit, just my own thoughts, my music and my breathing. I am not following a specific training plan at the moment either, having completed couch to 5k I am working up to 10k on my own, which I am confident I will reach in the not too distant future.  I haven’t signed up for any other events either. I know a lot of runners sign up for multiple events. I haven’t done that. I have one other in mind, but a lot of the events near me are charity events, and as I have taken a charity place in GNR, which has a minimum fundraising target of £300, I don’t want to push my luck with people asking them to sponsor me for other things or risk not hitting my target because people HAVE sponsored me for other things.

I have thought about looking at events where they maybe aren’t just for a specific charity and  I could tag them onto my existing Just giving page, and run more than one race for the same charity, not sure if thats an option. Anyway, I digress – do you have to be competing in loads of events to be a proper runner? I’m not sure you do ya know. I think if you do it week in week out, and you progress and then maintain a level of fitness, then you are a runner. I don’t think it is defined by what events you do. People may run simply for fitness and never enter a race in their lives. They are still runners. Well, in my eyes they are anyway.  So, I hereby declare myself a proper runner. So there! Haha.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you run, therefore you're a runner. Simple as. I might only have a shambolic trot a couple of times a week, but I'm still a runner. It's about how you're defining yourself. You'll always be a runner in my opinion.
