Wednesday 21 September 2016

Bit of extra motivation

Hello and happy Wednesday! This morning I did 3.5 miles before work and I was really chuffed with myself. I have been doing 2.5 on a Monday and Wednesday but upped it to 3. I was awake earlier this morning so I decided to use the extra time to get some extra distance in. I hope I can do a decent run Friday now too!

Tonight I am off to the cinema to see the new Bridget Jones movie. I’m really looking forward to it. I love going to the cinema, and go regularly if I can. This will be the first Bridget movie I have seen without having read the book first! I don’t think there is a book of this one, as the book that recently came out (I say recently, it was nearly 3 years ago haha) was not the same storyline as that of the movie. So no idea what to expect.

Last night I decided to have a look through the two suitcases of clothes my dad dropped off for me the other week. These are all my clothes, not just some random lost luggage he picked up cheap, don’t worry. Basically, just over 4 years ago I had called off my wedding. Things had gone sour and I knew we couldn’t get married as it wouldn’t be right. So, that was that. In the 2 years running up to the wedding, I had been secretly squirreling away some cash, into one of those terramundi pots that you have to smash open to get the money out of. I used to put every £2 coin into it, plus the odd fiver if I ever felt flush. It was a honeymoon fund, meant to be a surprise for my husband to be. Well, once the wedding was off, I decided bugger this, Im opening that. I had over £800 in it. So, I booked myself a weekend away in Belfast with some lovely (crazy) ladies (you know who you are) and with the rest, I had several shopping sprees.

This led to an accumulation of new clothes, mainly dresses. My wardrobe had never been so full! During this time, I met my now partner. I was in the process of giving up my flat, as I couldn’t afford it on my own any more, and I had arranged to rent my friends spare room for a bit, and then as my mam had died, I decided to move back in with my dad. I packed up these two suitcases of clothes and sent them over. Then I started packing other things and getting prepared to move. Just before D day, I found out I was pregnant. This led to a swift change of plan, and I was suddenly moving in with my boyfriend (this was always on the cards, we had just decided to wait a bit, but that went out the window).

I forgot about those suitcases of clothes. After all my mind was taken up with other things, and maternity clothes were purchased anyway. My daughter is now 2 and a half and my dad must have finally got sick of harbouring my stuff and brought them to my house for me. Last night I went through them briefly and OH MY! I had forgotten most of this stuff existed. Lots of the items still have tags on, and the rest have only been worn once or twice. So, here is my fresh bout of motivation! I have a skinny (well slimmer, maybe not skinny) wardrobe ready and waiting for me! Most of it is still current, nothing seems to be massively ‘out of fashion’ so its all good! I cant wait to fit back into them! 


  1. Ahh, that was a weekend and a half. I can say in all honesty that Belfast hasn't been the same since :-) And it misses ya! I find clothing amazing motivation. For me, it's getting in to jeans. You're going great guns, new dresses ( well, old dresses with the tags on) are in your near future!

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