Wednesday 14 September 2016

And so it starts

Well this morning saw my first ‘training run’. Its not really a training run, as I was already running 3 times a week and I haven’t devised a training program yet, but I did get up 15 minutes earlier than usual to increase my distance to 3 miles before work, rather than 2.5.

I saw a guy walking his dog while was out running and he looked at me with such contempt. I see him now and then and he always does this. I know Im fat and I don’t look like a runner. That doesn’t mean I am not allowed to do it. There is no need to look with such distaste. Perhaps he just has resting bitch face though, and its not me at all, he just always looks like a smacked arse.

I feel I should elaborate on my background a bit more while its early days. I have never really been a sporty person. I hated PE at school, especially cross country running. I mainly walked the two miles they made us do.  I have always been overweight to varying degrees. This time ten years ago, I had just come home from hospital having had surgery on my spine following a car crash that eventually led to me being housebound for the best part of a year and a half. I could barely walk. I couldn’t straighten up. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t stand and cook a meal. I had to crawl up my stairs. The surgery gave my my life back. And I decided I wasn’t going to waste it any more.

It took me a long time, I started off using wii fit. I don’t know if anyone has ever used that, but it isn’t really vigorous exercise. Its quite gentle and was just what I needed to ease myself in. I then branched out to some more workout DVD style wii games, Biggest loser workout game was one of them, and there was a personal trainer sort of thing. That was a decent workout. That got me used to some more exercises. Then I joined the gym and I used to go 3 times a week. Still nothing ridiculous. 15 min on a treadmill (walking) 15 on a bike and 15 on a rower.  Over the 12 months this took place, I lost almost 7 stone.  I followed weightwatchers and did this exercise and it worked for me. Then I signed up for a race for life. I had walked one the year before and I decided I would like to try and run it. So, I embarked upon the couch to 5k plan. I didn’t lose a lot of weight but inches melted away. I did my race for life and then I carried on with it. I was running 4 times a week between 3 and 6 miles a time. I had never felt so fit! And then my mam became ill. Everything went by the wayside while she was dying. I don’t regret that, I would do the same again. She was all that mattered to me for those weeks. I did intend to get back to it. I really did. But grief enveloped me. It still does to be honest. But its more manageable now.  Only a few months after my mam died, I found out I was pregnant. So that cemented the end of my fitness regime for a while, due to severe morning sickness and then pelvic displacement.

So now I find myself kinda back where I started although not quite. I started couch to 5k again on 3rd June. And here we are. I would welcome any tips if anyone reads this. All advice appreciated as I have no idea what I am doing x


  1. You've done it before, you'll do it again. And you're fitter this time around. I'm looking forward to following your training.

  2. You've done it before, you'll do it again. And you're fitter this time around. I'm looking forward to following your training.
